Nel Whatmore

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It's Virtual Chelsea Flower Show week and so I'm painting my Irises in my Garden !

Everyday this week I have painting my Iris collection as they come out there are several yet to go ! It has also been our 30th wedding anniversary that we would have spent apart. So it has been great to celebrate that together which included lunch cooked by Polly our daughter served in a gaint clam shell as it was yes… our pearl wedding anniversary. We continue to be blessed with good weather and so like most people who are lucky enough to have gardens and to be able to work from home we are getting on with what we can at home.

This week’s theme on #createwithnel WEEK 7 was PURPLE. So here as promised are all your lovely entries.

We have been watching Grayson Perry’s art Club and had to laugh as he had chosen the same theme as me last week HOME. It is a really inspiring programme so I woudl gibve it a watch if you haven’t already. We are also enjoying the Great Flower Fight on Netflix. I do hope everyone is doing okay and thanks for stopping by to read . Next week I am going to try and finish my gate that I have been making out of only things we have at home and bits pf palettes! Happy Bank holiday weekend