Nel Whatmore

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Getting Creative in Lockdown - Gates,lizards and garden diary

I have finally finished my garden gate and fence and I am so chuffed with it although I do wonder whether I have just built an enormous pigeon perch. If they start sitting on it there’s going to be trouble !!! Some how our garden now being enclosed and it having a nice entrance makes the whole garden seem more inviting and lovely. Or may be that is just me?

Polly and I have been watching the The Big Flower Fight on Netflix and so it has inspired up to make a giant lizard to go up the side of the house as we have a rather uninteresting and shady wall in the garden. So that is the next project that I can’t wait to get started on. It will be interesting working together on something as we haven’t done that since making a giant Pterodactyl when the kids were little!

I am still painting lots of the plants in our garden and the irises,peonies and roses are currently absolutely gorgeous it’s hard to know what to paint first. Here is just a selection of them. I will be doing more studies of them for #artistsupportpledge this week.

We are now up to week 8 of my #createwithnel And this week it was shells. Thanks to everyone who joins in regularly and those of you who just dip in or watch what everyone Is up to and hopefully gets inspired.

I do hope that anyone is doing okay and that during these extraordinary times that you have been finding different things too do and finding time to relish small things. I know we have and having more time to cherish my garden, life being slower has been a good thing. I know that this is a very difficult time and incredibly challenging for many and as I am classed as vulnerable we are in something of a bubble. We are so grateful to those who are working so hard on the front line and those working tirelessly in the background to work out the logistics of getting us through this crises. A big thank you to all. We will get through this together xx