Nel Whatmore

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'A Year in the Garden Exhibition' OPENS this weekend and Is it okay to paint Naked?

Well it's all done and dusted and I will be at Chantry House Gallery on Saturday  from 11-5pm so if you want to go somewhere cool and colourful then do pop in! The flower show was great but now I have moved the exhibition to Chantry House where it will be on for month. there are also some other paintings that weren't at the flower show for you to see. I am hoping to have a bit of a rest soon...well in August actually, as it has been a very busy year. But we do have two courses to run first down in Devon and at the Centre of England Arts centre at Hampton in Arden before that. If you want information then please email me

I do hope your gardens are not looking as fried as mine but they probably are. It is always too much l hassle to get the hose out so it means far too many watering can trips. My plants are just not used to being lasered!! 

Later in the year I am heading up to Achiltibuie on the west coast of Scotland with three friends to go and paint which will be an adventure. I am hoping that the gazillion midges will have died by then fingers crossed. It is currently like an absolute sauna in my studio so no painting is being done at all. Although I am getting rather itchy fingered to get stuck into doing some more abstracts shortly.

Anyway I hope you are all not melting and if you do by chance have a spare minute then please leave a comment as sometimes one does feel as though  ones is  rambling to  oneself when actually, on this occasion, I am avoiding cleaning my very dirty studio as I am thinking I may have to do it naked as it's so hot. And REALLY NO ONE WANTS TO SEE THAT! But hey I am at the top of the house and no one can see, it would just mean that any dash to answer the door may not happen ! I would so rather be cold than hot always.